Concrete Mixer Trucks and their Role in Quality and Efficiency of Construction
- Feb 12
- 5 min read
Concrete is the primary element when it comes to building construction works and it is important to make sure of its quality and on-time delivery for any and every building project. So, keeping the same in mind, cement mixer trucks play an essential role as they serve as the tools that blend and transport concrete from ready mix concrete plants to construction sites all at the same time.
The working process of Concrete Mixer Trucks
A concrete mixer truck comes with a rotating drum that mixes the ingredients of the concrete like cement, sand, aggregates, and water, as it moves along the road while the truck is in motion. The continued mixing helps the concrete not to set prematurely and simultaneously maintains the correct concrete mix ratio. When it arrives at the construction project site, the truck can pour out the fresh mix directly into the area where it is required thereby ensuring that the concrete is ready for use immediately.
The 2 major categories of different types cement mixers.
There are several types of concrete mixers and you can get to know about them in this article. But these different types cement mixers are divided into two broad categories which are Batch Mixers and Continuous Mixers. So let us give you a brief about them.
Batch Mixer
A Concrete Batch Mixer mixes a specific quantity of concrete at a time. It consists of a drum or container to which all the ingredients such as cement, sand, water, etc., are added in a predetermined order. It is the best choice for small to medium-sized building projects where the demand for concrete is not of high quantity.
Continuous Mixer
Continuous Mixer is used in the construction industry to mix concrete or other construction materials. In this type of concrete mixer the materials are continuously fed into the mixing chamber from one side and the result, which is the mixed material gets discharged continuously from the other side. This process helps produce large volumes of mixed material quickly and efficiently.
How is mix consistency maintained during long hauls?
Maintaining concrete consistency over long distances is crucial to prevent premature setting or segregation of materials. Some key factors that help in this process are:
Constant Drum Rotation at a controlled speed to keep the mix homogeneous and prevent setting.
Use of Retarders to slow down the hydration process, extending the workability time of the concrete.
Temperature Control
Moisture Control
Truck Load Optimization to allow sufficient space for mixing without segregation.
What happens if there are unexpected delays in pouring?
Delays can be problematic because concrete starts to set once mixed. Here’s how issues are managed:
Revolving the Drum to keep the concrete workable for an extended time.
Addition of Superplasticizers to restore workability without affecting the mix ratio.
Re-Tempering carefully to avoid compromising strength and restore workability.
Dumping and Recycling as per the state of the concrete whether it is usable or not.
Use of Alternative Equipment for example a volumetric mixer instead of a drum mixer when needed.
Concrete Mixer Trucks are Advantageous Compared to Traditional Mixing Methods
Traditional on-site mixing relies on labor involvement and is also uneven. But when you have concrete mixer trucks, they can bring you numerous benefits such as:
Consistency: The automated mixing process will result in uniform concrete mix ratio, which therefore leads to greater structural integrity.
Efficiency: These trucks completely cut away the need for mixing on-site as they already transport the ready-mixed concrete thereby saving a lot of time and also the cost of labor.
Quality Control: Mixing of concrete in a controlled environment such as that which is found in a ready mix concrete plant will ensure better quality and adherence to certain specifications on the project.
Impact on Project Timelines and Costs
Time is a very important factor when it comes to construction and delays in delivery of concrete can pause progress and increase costs at the same time. Cement mixer trucks ensure that concrete arrives on-site right at the mentioned time, thus maintaining the schedule of the building project. Moreover, by providing the exact amount of concrete needed, they reduce waste and expenses related to excess material.
Choosing the Right Ready Mix Concrete Supplier
The choice of ready mix concrete supplier is considered the most decisive factor in most construction projects' success. To determine a proper supplier, various factors need consideration, such as the supplier's track record of supplying quality and reliable materials in a timely delivery schedule. Collaborating with such a supplier gives assurance that only standard-quality concrete will be provided, which reflects the overall efficient nature of a project.
Cement mixer trucks are really profitable in the construction industry because they ensure that high-quality concrete is delivered to where and when it is most needed. Besides that, their ability to maintain the consistency of the ideal concrete mix ratio and deliver fresh concrete on time makes them very necessary elements in any construction site.
For a construction project that demands excellence in concrete quality and delivery, consider consulting Bangur Cement. As a leading ready mix concrete supplier, Bangur Cement is committed to providing top-tier materials and services to meet your construction needs.
How to keep concrete workable for a long time?
Drum rotation prevents concrete from settling or hardening by continuously mixing it at a controlled speed (2-6 RPM). This keeps the mix homogeneous, ensuring that the concrete remains workable until it reaches the construction site.
What happens when concrete becomes unworkable?
If concrete starts setting beyond a workable state, it can no longer be poured. In such cases, it is either dumped in a designated area or repurposed for non-structural uses, such as filling voids or making precast blocks to minimize waste.
Where to find ready mix concrete near me?
Choosing a reliable supplier is very important. You can get RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) from Bangur Cement, a brand that promises the best cement quality. Contact us today to get a quote.