Waterproof Cement to Protect Your Home from Walls and Roof leakage

  • Feb 20
  • 4 min read

Leakage of water is a problem that home owners face very commonly and this issue comes up especially during the monsoon season. Now when water leaks through roofs and walls it can lead to ugly stains, mold, and even structural damage. Therefore, so as to keep your house secure, knowing about the importance of waterproof cement is necessary.

The importance of Waterproofing

Waterproofing prevents moisture from entering concrete structures, leading to:

  • Dampness: It allows the development of mold and mildew.

  • Structural Damage: Moisture exposure over a long period can make the walls and roofs weak.

  • Aesthetic Issues: Water marks and efflorescence can damage the interiors and exteriors.

Including good waterproofing techniques during construction can prevent such problems, saving money in repairs in the future.

How does water damage the walls?

Concrete walls are always exposed to weather and because concrete is made up of cement, aggregates, water and is also porous by nature it can absorb water very easily. As a result, as soon as the concrete sets in it starts to create little tunnels that are known as capillary systems that allow water to pass through. The water makes the concrete weak with time by developing cracks and dropping down its durability. Long-term exposure to moisture also promotes the growth of mold, which is bad for your health.

What is Waterproof Cement?

Before we go about answering the above question, it is first required to know what cement is as a whole. A binding substance in general, cement requires water so as to produce a paste, and such a paste binds together the aggregates in concrete, mortar, or plaster.

So waterproof cement is not something that you can get as a separate form of cement but some chemicals or additives such as crystalline waterproofing admixtures in the mixing of concrete to make it more water-repellent. This is due to the fact that such admixtures react with water and create insoluble crystals to occupy the pores and capillaries in the concrete, thus sealing and protecting it against water penetration.

Types of Concrete Waterproofing

  1. Cementitious Waterproofing: It involves applying the waterproof layer directly over the concrete. It's commonly used in damp spaces such as basements and water tanks.

  2. Liquid Waterproofing Membrane: A thin coating that is flexible and can be used on roofs and exposed surfaces.

  3. Bituminous Coating: Also referred to as asphalt coating, it's best suited for waterproofing foundations and roofs.

  4. Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing: A self-adhesive torch-on membrane that is primarily used for low-slope roofs. It is cost efficient and durable.

  5. Crystalline Waterproofing Admixtures: They are added directly to the cement mixture to increase its water resistance.

Choosing the right kind of Waterproof Cement

When selecting a waterproof cement for your project, consider the following:

  • Application Area: Different areas within a building could require specific waterproofing alternatives.

  • Climate Conditions: Regions that record high rainfall or humidity conditions require more powerful waterproofing alternatives.

  • Budget: While some waterproofing alternatives might bear a greater immediate cost, they can provide saving in the longer run by minimizing damage.

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) as a Waterproofing Solution

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) is very durable as well as resistant to chemical attacks, so it is best suited to be applied when it comes to waterproofing solutions. PPC in general contains pozzolanic material such as fly-ash, which reduces water permeability and also reduces the amount of damage caused by moisture as well as chemicals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on using PPC for waterproofing.

For reliable solutions and information regarding waterproof cement, price of our products or other assistance, please get in touch with us. For queries related to bulk cement order you can either contact us or get a quote.


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